Wednesday, September 04, 2013

So This Begs the Question: Should We Help Inmates Kill Themselves?

Ariel Castro killed himself in prison.  Which seems a little odd since he pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty.  But I don't mind.

Here is my question... Should we help inmates kill themselves?  I have often thought that if I was ever sentenced to prison I would probably want to kill myself.  Life behind bars holds less than zero appeal to me - despite what you might think about gays and prison fantasy.
No one cried when Jeffrey Dahlmer was murdered in prison.  A prisoner taking his own life is rarely cause for concern - so why not help them if they ask?  I'm not saying to shoot them or anything, but a late night trip to the nurses office and extra sleeping pills?  What is so wrong with that?  Saves money, keeps them off the street, they get what they want, victim gets closure, win win win win.
I mean except for the outsourced prisons and prison guard union, who cares?  The slippery slope argument for a moment notwithstanding, what is the problem?