Saturday, April 12, 2014

Because My Readers Are Open Minded

So a lot of people read the blog.  I mean it seems like a lot to me.
I keep it up because it let's my friends and family  now what's going on with Ed and I (including family like the Nichols, Posey, Amiot, Neppl, and Deyoung's).  That group of people includes staunch liberals and staunch Republicans from the Left Cost, to the wrong coast and from the frozen Nort' to the burning sands of the desert.  And I love them all.
And that doesn't even include my friends (most of which are rather left-leaning as you would expect from a married gay guy from LA now review Off-Broadway in NYC).  But a few are conservative.  After all, Ed and I are in finance in New York.
Ok - enough inflating your egos.  I was reading about a new show we all have to see.  Now, I started reading the article (from NY Times) because it made fun of CNN (golden line: Now that CNN is on a cable news Rumspringa, running wild with the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, viewers interested in other news have a place to go.)
Anyway, it is a bizarre reality show as news or news as reality show.  It engages viewers by selecting 6 people from the reality show molds (the blond Republican girl from Texas, the showboating Republican Talk-Show host from the mid-west, the skateboarding hippy from Brooklyn, the lefty farmer from Washington and so forth) pairs them up and asks them to follow the path of illegal immigrants who died.
Apparently it arrives, unexpectedly but unsurprisingly, at the end with no solution.  The Open Borders guy doesn't want dead bodies that he sees in El Salvador on the streets of Brooklyn, the blond Republican Senate Aid doesn't know the solution now that deporting might end in death.
It starts Sunday night at 9PM on Al Jezera America - which is famous in our house as being the only 24 hour news show that actually shows news, rather than talking head espousing the latest stupid left or right theory on why the other is evil.
Seriously, check out this background of the cast and see if it doesn't make sense.