Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Survivor Mimics the Decline of the US Government (Really)

I am not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but Survivor has mimicked the death of the US congress, but at a speed that makes it easily understandable.
Hear me out.
In the early Survivor episodes, they people worked together to find food and survive at the base level.  Make fire, find edible plants, raise chickens, fish, etc.  Even though they fought at challenges and argued by the daylight, they still got together and worked to survive (remember the rat being cooked – or the pig that was slaughtered?).
Typical Bully Type Invited Back Again and Again
But the politics of double dealing and surprising ousters was more entertaining than “surviving”.  Just like (in Congress) grandstanding and chest-thumping makes for better TV than passing legislation and fixing things.
So the game slowly morphed into an “intellectual” game (they use the term intellectual to mean emotionally stunned pissing contests in both Survivor and Congress).  We got more talk about game playing.  To facilitate this change, the producers gave them enough food to live.  And live easily.
This means that the skills in getting things done (like fishing, knowing the right foods, making fire) are less important over time.  As more and more food is introduced, even competing in challenges has become less important.
The skills that are important now are the ability to intimidate others.  It used to be influence, but the producers have shown that intimidation is powerful and rewarded (the biggest bullies are invited back again and again).  Being terrible to others is great TV.
Prototypical Congressional Bully
Now, isn’t Congress just like that!  (No question mark because it is a rhetorical question).  The people getting Face time on FOX or NBC or CBS are not those that do the dirty work of actually legislating.  The loudest bullies dominate the airwaves.  And, since they seem to dominate, their constituents vote for them.

It is pathetic.