I mean ARGH!. The 47% of American’s don’t pay taxes is a Republican and Fox talking point that has to stop. And it has to stop now. (Don't believe me - try HERE, or HERE or HERE or HERE - it is a lie that won't die.)
First, it is now 43% of households because the recovery has kicked in and some household now make enough to pay Income Tax. So Obama policy's have driven it down form 47% (in 2007 Bush the younger's last year) to 43.3%.
Second, the great majority of those pay “Payroll” taxes. That is, they DO pay FICA, Social Security and the rest. This 29% of the country works hard and pays taxes. What they do NOT pay is additional income taxes, because their incomes are too damn low. You want them to pay income taxes? Raise the minimum wage so it is above the poverty line! Try to support a “household” on $8.00 an hour. That is about $240 a week – BEFORE FICA and Social Security taxes. The Republicans (who are the ones consistently bitching about these “leeches”) also baked in Child Credits and Earned Income credits, so even if you make more than $20,000 a year and have kids or are getting off welfare - you might get a pass on Income Taxes.
These mean that you can make enough money to pay taxes, but you then get a tax break for each child and if you are working instead of welfare. That is a good thing, right. Earned Income Credit to move off welfare? Then why the hell do you call them the lazy 47%? Do you just freaking hate poor people?
The rest? 9% are the retired who rely on social security and their savings to live on. Those damn free-loaders. And another 3.4% don't make 20,000 a year (the floor for Income Taxes).
That leaves 1.3% that don’t pay taxes and still make a lot of money. They are horrible. You know, like GE and AIG.