Monday, March 16, 2015

Dolce & Gabbana Nincompoopery and Backtracking As Fast As Their Little Feet Can Dance

There is a "blink and you might have missed it" kerfuffle regarding Dolce & Gabbana.  These two gay man (partners in work still, a couple until 2006) were interviewed for some Italian magazine and said some asinine things more normally said by backwards numskulls.
In addition to being anti-gay marriage (which, please, just because you can't keep it together, don't blame the rest of us), they came out very strongly against IVF.  Not just gay people who have IVF kids, but anyone having IVF kids.  Calling them "synthetic" and not real.
Elton John has called for a boycott of them, which is all well and good.   But a boycott of what?  Who actually buys Dolce and Gabbana - except perhaps sunglasses?  I mean I love the ads (except the faux rape ones), but I know very few people that could pull those looks off.
Perhaps Elton John and Ricky Martin (who also blasted them) are the two people that actually keep the house afloat!  Pissed off the wrong homos, boys.