Thursday, April 23, 2015

The biggest "No Big Deal" Around

For those of you that live in states or countries where same sex marriage is illegal, I'm sorry.  Sorry because you are on the front lines and you are constantly battered with the horror stories of the coming apocalypse.  The threat, to your very way of life, when the gays get married.

Well, take it from someone who has lived through this, it is no big deal - and GREAT when gay marriage comes.  You know why?  All the shouting dies down and the media circus pulls up its wheels and goes to the next town or state where cameras are rolling.
An aside, FYI, there isn't a state in the country that forces the clergy to perform any marriage - same sex or opposite sex.  You can't do that and no one is trying to make them.  Seriously, regardless of what you might have heard, that isn't true.  Ever!
Regarding the kurfuffle about bakers having to make gay wedding cakes (there were 2 of them), or the photographer who didn't want to take pictures of the lesbians (1 of them) or the farm that didn't want the gay reception there (there was 1 of them) - those are tiny, isolated incidents and silly.  They are unimportant and side-show news.  Honestly, if you don't watch Fox News - they aren't even mentioned.  I'm not going to get into an argument about that, because it is between 5 and 10 incidences and many of them now are designed only to raise money (a mechanic in Michigan would turn down business from a gay man - a pizza shop in Indiana raised $800,000 by promising not to provide Pizza Pies for a hypothetical gay reception - like a gay marriage would cater pizza's!)
Bobby Jindal stepped in today in the New York Times to hype his new law protecting business people from having to participate in Gay Weddings.  I am not going to participate in that rabbit hole argument, because Governor Bobby Jindal just wants the publicity for his Presidential Run.  I refuse to engage him, except to say that his unfortunate initials and schoolyard bullying may be what is pushing his anti-Gay crusade.
No thank you Gov. BJ