Friday, January 29, 2016

Marc Rubio - Can you please Wake Ben Up.

You know, during the debate, I started to feel bad for Ben Carson.  I mean he doesn't get nearly the amount of questions that he should, given his polling numbers.  But then they ask him something and I think, Maybe they were just being nice NOT calling on him.  
link to story
He is that little kid, asleep in the back of class that the teacher feels bad calling on.  You know... he makes the teacher repeat the question, even though it is on the board, because he has been day-dreaming about fighting dragons and welfare queens.  And then he gives the complete wrong answer "the square root of 7?".
For example: on Russia (or maybe on Putin or maybe on ISIS) "Putin is a one horse, uh, country - oil and energy."
One feels bad for pointing out that "Putin" is actually not a country at all (although if it were, it should border the river "Ritz" get it?).
And, even in his tortured metaphor, oil and energy would actually be two horses.  I think he did that memory thing when you hear a name, like Putin, you associate it with a image to remind yourself who he is - and the Putin image is that manly one where he is bare chested on the horse.  Although, to Ben's credit - Putin is on only ONE horse.
Dr. Ben's closing statement was, to say the least, novel.  Rather than give a pitch on why you should vote for him, he decided to recite the Preamble to the Constitution.  We all learn this in 4th or 5th grade - and can repeat it back at will with the full understanding and emotion an atheist can recite the Lord's Prayer at a wake.  Dr. Carson did bungled it slightly - securing the benefits of liberty rather than the  blessings, but that is an okay mistake for a Republican.  After reciting that he said, "Folks, it's not too late.  Enough said."
Maybe he meant we can get back to secure the benefits of liberty if we voted for him, or maybe he meant he still had time to catch Jimmy Fallon - who knows.
Enough said indeed.