Friday, January 29, 2016

Without Donald - the Debate Focuses on Which of Two Sons of Immigrants hates Immigrants More

Crubio?  Rubiz?
One barely knows how to refer to Ted  Cruz and Mark Rubio in last night's debate in a civil, much less jovial, manner.  They are the Tweedledee and Tweedledum of politics - if Alice fell had fallen down the Rabbit Hole into a slightly less rational Wonderland.

It is disheartening, beyond mere words, to watch these two, BOTH SONS OF CUBAN IMMIGRANTS, passionately argue over who can be more anti-immigrant.
The Republican "Establishment" (at this point as powerful Auntie Em while Dorthy was in MuchkinLand) prefers Marc Rubio.  Herr Rubio is the son of two Cuban immigrants, while Herr Ted Cruz the son of a Cuban Immigrant Father and an American Immigrant Mother - while they lived in Canada.  Rafael Edward was swept to Texas and rechristened "Ted" before starting school - which is why he shows none of the politeness and charm endemic of our Canook neighbors.
Both are so fiercely anti-immigrant now that they seem to be competing for the Presidency of the Daughters of the Confederacy not the United States.  And yet both are the products of the US' incredibly lenient immigration policy towards Cubans.
There was, by the way, a moment of actual policy discussion by Jeb Bush (the disappearing man) about the problem of fighting both ISIS and Assad at the same time.  Only to be interrupted by Marc Rubio to say we should fund Sunni Militias (which - duh - ISIS is) then quickly followed up, before anyone could point out the problem with that line of thinking, that it was all Obama's fault anyway - which is end of every discussion point in the debates so far.
As for the Megan Kelly / Donald Trump fiasco.  Trump was briefly mentioned but probably not noticed as Megan's new Pixie/Valkyrie doo was mesmerizing.
If This Megan Kelly scared Trump then...

..last night's version would have had him soil himself.