Friday, September 09, 2016

Kykuit's Creek Garden

Jane and I visited Kykuit, the family home of the John D. Rockefeller's (and final home to Nelson and Happy Rockefeller). We took a tour that spent quite a bit of time in different gardens of the home. The original designer went wild and developed a set of outdoor "rooms" as gardens.  These pictures are from my favorite, the "creek" garden.
The hilltop was pretty barren on building the house. All the dirt and plants were brought in.
Today this would be done more traditionally Japanese - since this is what we associate these gardens with, but in 1908 when it was designed and built, the Japanese or Chinese Garden's hadn't been widely known.

(select to enlarge)

Nelson Rockefeller collected modern art - this is a Niogochi which he put here in the 1960s.  It works perfectly.

One of John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s children (Abby) collected Japanese Art and placed this here.  It is a wind chime that I actually like.

This is Jane outside "the grotto", the starting point of the creek. It was very cool (both in beauty and weather).

This is the backside of "the grotto" and you can see how it is hidden from everything else.