Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The President Called Our Senator a Whore - In Case You Missed It

New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand has been out spoken proponent of challenging men who assault women. See was the first Senator to call for John Conyers to resign and for Al Franken to resign (both Democrats, as is Senator Gillibrand.

The other day she called on the President to step down or to face up to the charges against him. Instead he tweeted that she has begging him for donations and would do "anything" for them.

USA Today - as centrist as you can be - did not appreciate it...(link)

As for the President. His Sarah Gobbels-Sanders said that only someone who's mind is in the gutter would think there was anything to the comment.  This about her boss who is on tape about barging backstage during pageants to ogle the girls and bragged about kissing women right away and bragged about being able to " anything, grab them by the pussy..." because he is famous.

And we have our minds in the gutter.