Friday, December 22, 2017

Trump Bloviates at the League of Nations ... er .. UN

The United Nations voted to condemn the US move of it's embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Before the vote Trump threatened to cut off funds to those that voted against us and Ambassador / Thug Nikki Haley said we would be taking names.

The Sopranos act failed to intimidate the nations of the world, although it played well on the Fox Reality TV Show "Star Wars 2: President Tiny Hands vs. The Evil Empire".

United Nations at Geneva - but it WAS originally the Headquarters of League of Nations
For anyone with a sense of history, our disregard for the United Nations will has plenty of historical baselines that are worse.  

But for me, the analogy isn't the UN and actions by Iraq, USSR, Egypt, or even us, but it is the League of Nations.

For those that don't recall history (and hence doomed to repeat it) the League of Nations was an early attempt at a United Nations - that failed because a) USA refused to join (even though it was our President Wilson's idea) and b) slowly became useless as members ignored League findings. (Italics mine)

Up until now, the United States has worked diligently to keep the United Nations functioning and relevant.  In most cases, we tend to follow UN guidelines - and when we lose we all quietly ignore it. We are not alone, but as the world's greatest power (since the founding of the UN), for the USA to submit to it's will in general has kept it going.

Now we were always going to lose this vote on Jerusalem. And we should have ignored it. But instead, we bullied and threatened member states not to vote against us.  Threatening member nations undermines what WE (the US) has strived so hard to build. And for nothing! We all knew we would lose this vote. Rumor has it the bullying actually moved Canada from supporting us to abstaining.

So we not only undermined the United Nations - we were proven pretty damn pathetic at blackmailing them as well.

Good job Brownie.