Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wild and Wacky World

The World is full of Wild and Wacky places.  This is the William Reich Institute in Maine.

You have to read his entire biography to truly appreciate him but short story:

Herr Reich was an Austrian doctor that fled to the United States before WWII. H was a real (medical) doctor, and also studied under Freud in Vienna, before coming to the United States.

He believe, as did Freud, that the human orgasm was very powerful. And while Herr Freud moved on to the orgasm as a psychological power, Herr Reich believed it was very physical and capable of great things.

He believed having many orgasms, and not being limited by society, would cure cancer and other illnesses.

The lady (pre-orgasmic) in the box.  Wood box, lined with Steel.

Later, he built a "orgonon" box to harvest the power of orgasms, and use it to seed clouds and end droughts.
