Thursday, August 02, 2018

Worst Night of Sleep since 1972

I had the worst night of sleep since I was a child (in the Jewish sense). I had nightmare after nightmare in a slow motion death spiral.

First I was subject to having pins and nails pulled out of my hands, thighs and feet. Over and over, as they dug some out, there were more to dig out. And I would wake up and pee or get water or something, and fall right back into it.

After hours (it seemed) I moved on to a place where I lived in a bad neighborhood - with friends in the apartment upstairs and was forced to stop an what appeared to be an orgy on the horizon to start studying a 17th century text for a legal test, but all the pages were blank. And then an old friend kept breaking into the apartment to tell me (and the other pre-orgyites) that I had been a dick to him years ago.

Then, bathroom break and back to having pins and nails pulled out of me, and I had to help.

Don't get me wrong, I understand both of these (and shan't bore you with the details). But the end result is that I feel like a piece of crap right now.

Also, Ed had to put up with my grunting, yelling and hyperventilating. He did not have a good night of sleep either.