Monday, September 03, 2018

The Subtle Breaking of an OLD Stereotype

Crazy Rich Asians is a funny movie, no doubt about it. And it is enjoyable and unique. There are a number of reasons I loved it. But one reason was kind of wonderful.

It made no bones about Asian Guys being hot. Growing up with Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Filipino and Chinese) they have never seemed "other" to me. But you notice things. One of the key things is that in most US media, Asian men are not depicted as sexy. That is changing little by little, but there are a lot more examples of Asian nerds or comic relief than attractive and strong Asian men.

Pierre Png

Pierre Png

Sure, my early years might have included an overly fond attachment to Kato in Green Hornet (Bruce Lee - come on!), but I have always that Asian guys can be just as attractive or sexy as Caucasian guys. Movies rarely show that.

Crazy Rich Asians show a bunch of them.