Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Meaning Behind the Words

Donald Trump used the word nationalist to describe himself recently. I would like to think he doesn’t know the connotations, but I am afraid he does. His supporters may not.

“A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much,” Mr. Trump told a packed arena of 18,000 supporters. “You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK? Nationalist. Use that word, use that word.”

So “globalist”, in his interpretation, is someone that wants the world to do well, but not the country. It is normally a way to slur Jewish people who didn’t care about their country. Yes, it came to the popular lexicon with the National Socialist Party (the Nazi). This definition fits into his slurs of George Soros, who is Jewish, and in his mind, behind everything and every demonstration that doesn’t support him.

In fact, lots of people want the world to do well AND want the country to do well.  It isn’t an either or proposition. World poverty has dropped by over 1 billion people in the last 20 years. People who appalled that STILL care about our country.

“Nationalist”, like the Nationalist Front, or the National Socialists are coded words meant to include only those people that meet what the speaker defines as part of the Nation. So when Alt-Right users say nationalists, they mean white, straight people. Not blacks, not gays, not hispanics, not feminists.

Trump may not mean white straight people, but he does mean his voters. He has slurred over half the Americans that did not vote for him. We are not part of his “nation”. The press is not part of the the nation (he calls them the enemy of the people).