Thursday, January 28, 2016

I Am Torn

I am torn about the debate tonight.
On 1 hand, I wasn't going to watch (Trump or not) because the "debates" are both infuriating and anti-informational.  The candidates spout out lies and insults at the same rate (and are called - occasionally only - on the insults if it is towards another Republican).
On the other hand, now that Donald Trump is sulking and refuses to participate, not watching may be seen as a tactic endorsement of Donald, which I would not mean it as.
On the third hand, perhaps the candidates might use this Donald-free time to actually discuss real problems that face America and provide some idea of their solutions.
Ouch! (Sorry, I feel out of my chair laughing at that last sentence.)
I think the only sane course is to set Tivo to watch the debate (so I don't, even accidentally, condone Donald's behavior) - and then ignore it for a few days before deleting it.
Because everything is better when Ryan Gosling says it.