Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Haven't I Seen This Before

In 2008 I supported Hillary Clinton over Barak Obama, not because I disliked President Obama, but because I though Hillary would be better placed to get things done.

President Obama has been a reasonably good President, given what headwinds he faced.  But, I feel, he could have been better.  I feel he fell down exactly where I thought he would - by expecting the Republican Caucus to be reasonable.  I think Hillary would have been better.
Now I support Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.  Not because I dislike Senator Sanders, but because he doesn't have a history of implementing his vision after two decades in the Senate and his foreign policy understanding seems remarkably light for someone in Congress for two decades.  I think Hillary would be a better President.
But I have to respect the voters didn't just choose Bernie in New Hampshire by a little.  They decided he was a better answer by a LOT.
I admit to also being not thrilled by a contest between two people who are both beyond retirement age - hell I am only 56 but my mind gets foggy a lot.
Oh well, at least MarcoBot 2000 was exposed as a fraud.