Friday, February 02, 2018

Republicans Attack Deep State Republicans Of Helping (?) Democrats....WTF?

Well, this is all going according to Banana Republic standards.  President Trump has "approved" the Republican House Intelligence Committee (see "oxymoron") Memo that accuses the FBI of trying to help the Democrats, while the FBI was and is run by Republicans - yes Obama's FBI was run by Republicans.

They are accusing James Comey - the Republican who released information about Hillary's new email problems right before the election (and no - there were no "new" emails).

Thy are accusing Robert Muller  - the Republican ex-head of the FBI appointed by G W Bush and Obama - of trying to help the Democrats by investigating the ties to Russia.

They are accusing the new Head of the FBI - a Republican appointed by Trump and approved by the Republican Senate - of being a "Deep State" actor trying to over throw a Republican President.

As our President might say, the House is a shithole.

Head pussy-grabber this morning claiming all these Republicans are working " favor of Democrats and against Republicans..."