Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Only 38 of 102 Children Under 5 Reunited By Deadline

So, I am going to start with something unconventional here, a story of myself. My parents divorced when I was about 7 or 8. I lived with my mom for about a year and then lived with my dad. The whole rigamarole around why this happened  isn't important in terms of this story.

But I remember flying out on a Continental Airlines 727 and landing at LAX. Flying alone, I was the last off the plane. I exited the plane and saw this guy and a woman waiting for me.  It was my father but I had no idea who he was. After about 12 months, I couldn't recognize my own father when I was 8 or 9 years old.

Now, instead of a divorce and knowing why, imagine being ripped from your parents at an age less than 5 years old and spending months away from them. When you are returned you are both happier and terrified. We have fucked up a ton of kids for no reason.

And no, President Trump, those kids didn't come in illegally. In fact, the kids did nothing wrong. Maybe, in some cases, the parents came in illegally - but others came in legally asking for asylum. What we did was evil.

And now, the Administration has missed the deadline to return the children to their parents. Originally they said there were 38 children (out of 102) they wouldn't be able to reunite (remember this). In fact, there were 64 kids they were not able to reunite. Only 38 were reunited by the deadline.

The President isn't worried about this because, to him, the parents broke the law. Now, by missing a court order, the Administration has also broken the law, but he doesn't see that.

You should see pictures of me for a year after this. I was covered in black splotches (a nervous condition that my pediatrician didn't know how to handle) and was diagnosed with a ulcer. At fucking 9! And I was with a parent and grandparents I knew, in a country where I spoke the language.

I cannot image how people are okay with this.

I have ignored this situation, powerless to do fuck all. And I know that fear. What the fuck?