Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?

So here is the thing, Impeachment is a horrible idea. Because Trump won’t get 2/3s of the Senate to convict him. That is 20 Republicans, even all the Democrats vote to impeach him.  And it looks shitty.

But here is the problem if you DON’T Impeach him, the President is now permitted to commit crimes without consequences. President Trump violated election laws by (alegedly- but with evidence):

  1. Paying off hutch money to a porn star and Playboy bunny during the election. The way he did it violates campaign financing (it was a undeclared benefit to the campaign). Then he participated in a conspiracy to lie to Congress with his lawyer and son. Then he violated tax laws by not disclosing this payoff and not disclosing the bonus paid to Cohen for the payoff.
  2. Offered something of value (a $50 Million Penthouse) to a foreign national during the sampling in order to secure foreign (Russian) support for a business venture and political support. That is bribery and election law violations.
I don’t want to impeach him. That will suck. But I would like the Justice Department to indite him, pending his completion of term.

As a reminder, President Clinton was Impeched for lying under oath during a Deposition about another manner completely. President Trump refuses to even participate in a Deposition.