Thursday, August 12, 2004

Arg... Max Boot Must Shut Up

First off, it annoys me that the LA Times has hired Max Boot as a commentary guy. He is a conservative troll (previous commentary titled: Kerry’s Three Face Foreign Policy) put in place to placate the wing-nut talk radio freaks that regular refer to the LA Times as a liberal rag. Well… duh. So hire some neo-con think tank nerd – who lives in New York! – to “balance” it out. Well, enough about Max in general.

Today, Max in particular bothers me as he is trashing the Olympics. Hello, you write for an LA paper and you trash the Olympics. Why don’t you shove a torch up your… I digress.

Max says today
There might be equally high drama today if
our current enemies chose to compete in sporting events
Ironically, the very fact that most countries are engaged in peaceful
competition — the Olympic ideal — renders this Olympics uninteresting.

“Hummm?” Scott says. Max misses the Cold War with Russia and Nazi Germany (really read the article). Max doesn’t offer up if he misses them all the time (presumably when Democrats knew to shut up) or just every four years.

Max, lord love him, goes on…
Sports like football, baseball and basketball have intrinsic appeal to millions
of people because their fans follow them all the time and know the players. We
see most Olympic events only once every four years. It's like meeting some
long-lost cousin. Are you going to gush over her? It's true that all the Olympic
sports are contested year in, year out, but few receive any coverage, at least
in this country. Yet every four years we're supposed to get worked up over who
does and who does not snare a gold medal

Now, I really do get this. Honest. But – if I can point something out to the LOS ANGELES COMMENTATOR, LA doesn’t give a shit about these things. Sure. We used to like football. Max Boot meet Georgia Frontiere. She took our Rams for a ramble. Max Boot meet Al Davies. He brought the Raiders in, took the Raiders out, put his left foot back in and shook it all about. We didn’t care.

Max Boot meet LA baseball. We all cared when it was owned by Pete O’Malley and Gene Autry. Gentlemen both. Then Fox and Disney bought the Dodgers and Angels (respectively). But they couldn’t squeeze enough cash out of them so they dumped them. The Dodgers will be good enough to get in our graces, or bad enough so we don’t care. It doesn’t matter which to the owner - as long as he can put condos in Chavez Ravine and move the Dodgers to some new stadium he wants us to build. Only the new Angel owner is liked (and that has something to do with the fact that he lowered beer prices on the first day on the job).

Max Boot meet LA Basketball. Over here we have Shaq. Oh no, too late. Well, over here we have Gary Pa… too late. Over here we have last year’s national championship podium. Of course the trophy itself is in Detroit because our overpriced whiners couldn’t be bothered to play. We’ll introduce you to Kobe after a little trail is over in Colorado.

On the other hand, UCLA (which by the by, is actually in this city) is sending 52 athletes to the games this year. In such loser sports as Baseball, Volleyball, Track and Field, Gymnastics, Tennis and Water Polo . USC (also, amazingly, in this very city) will send 35 athletes to the games this year. In such loser sports as Basketball, Swimming, Diving, Track and Field and Volleyball.

To close, let me say this, shut up Max.