Friday, October 08, 2004

Eds works late, Scott Pub Crawls

It isn't a fair world. We all know that.

My poor Eddid has been in New York meeting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Through the first two days he was leaving work until after midnight. While it can sound glamerous (Ed's in a conference on the 50th floor at 30 Rockefeller Center preparing for NBC) - it is not pleasent.

It probably didn't help that he called last night and I just got back from a little "pub crawl".

Well, not a pub crawl as there are no pubs in Hollywood, but a "lounge crawl". Unfortunately Bradly and I did not hit the magic time when it isn't too crowdy or too empty. We went to Tokio (Japanese Sushi-Kareoki Bar gone Jetson's) and shared the place with 5 other people. We walked into White Lotus where a HUGE LOUD MAGAZINE PARTY WAS GOING ON. WE BREEZED IN (PAST SECURITY), BUT IT WAS TOO LOUD AND WANNA-BE TO REALLY BE ENJOYABLE SO WE LEFT. We then walked to Daddy's - a sweet slice of red naugahide and nice music. Again which we shared with 4 people. The drinks (burbon and diet coke) were a great burbon, but apparently they were out of Diet Coke, because neither Bradly or I seemed to to get any mixer. But it was a nice big glass of Jack Daniels.

Well, Eddie was going to fly home tongiht and directly to Palm Springs. But, his meeting was pushed back so now he comes into LA late. I will await him and make him feel better. Because that is what I do.