Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Lying Cry-Baby

Blubber'er. Liar!

Randy "Duke" Cunningham (no relation to Richie) tearfully quit the House of Representatives yesterday. The Republican from San Diego cried and (per MSNBC) "pleaded guilty to graft and tearfully resigned Monday, admitting he took $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors to steer business their way."

Said the boo-de-hoo-dee liar, who coped a plea for a lesser sentance, "I'm almost 65 years old and I enter the twilight of my life. I intend to use the remaining time that God grants me to make amends, and I will." (CNN).

I should be nicer, I suppose, to the blubbery, lying theif who took 2.4 Million dollars to steering contracts to a Denfense contract (MZM Inc.). I mean, taking advantage of the office to which you have been elected isn't really new. Lying isn't new. Betraying the American Public and the Trust of the people of his district - why that is almost quaint.

No, what sets my team on edge is this quote (from July of this year - from CNN); Cunningham said while he continues to believe he received a "reasonable price" for the Del Mar home, he and his wife will sell their current home, where they had planned to retire, and donate part of the proceeds to charity to demonstrate to their friends and supporters "that I did nothing wrong."

Either quit whenyou are caught - or continue to lie to the bitter end. Now you just look like a low level lying crook that steared BILLIONS our our tax dollars to give to a low rent defense contractor without thinking about the quality (and possible harm to our military) of the output. The 2.4 Million dollars (that you have ADMITTED TO - who knows how much else there is) cost Amreicans Billions in tax dollars - and unknown amounts in military waster.

FYI - the contractor hasn't lost a contract one for this.