Sunday, June 11, 2006

Camp Classic

Has anyone else seen this? Oh my gawd. This was the Camp Classic of all time. My friend Gavin did not hate it. One wonders what Gavin took that made him so.. delusional.

As Ed said, Tom Hanks might have as well been talking to a Basketball for all the emotion he shows.

Of course you can't blame him, he was playing opposite Pepi La Peuw. Trust me, I get the idea of casting a French Woman as a French Woman, but could we not find one that spoke just a leetla of zee En-goo-leach. Chi waz zo un-ba-leeve-able - ii wiw ze acccanse.

How do you make such an exciting book into such a boring, pretentious movie? Didn't Oppie have any fun as a kid? Cuz he is not having it now.

I did, just barely, hold back from making fun of the movie during it. Although Ed did announce loudly, "We can go at any time." about an hour into it. I would have too if I knew there was 3 hours to go.