Thursday, January 18, 2007

Don’t Get Me Wrong...

Don’t get me wrong. Normally it is really cute to have a BF that works at 30 Rockefeller Plaza who is not enamored of entertainment. He is above it all, and I enjoy that. If he was star struck and came home like “ohh I saw Matt Lauer… ohhh I saw Amy Poehler…. ohh I saw the Snuffelupagus.” It would grow tiring.

Having said that, and stated so for the record, let me say that occasionally he could share a little more information. Like Today…

After he leaves for work (he had to go in early for “some….” reason he was not clear on), I turn on the Today show. Who is on, Madonna. And she is funny, she is pleasant. She is a little cold because they said it was 70 in New York (that was so two days ago..FYI).
Then she puts on a jacket and wanders out to the sidewalk.. RIGHT BELOW ED’S WINDOW.. to say hello to everyone. I turned off the TV because if Madonna was the reason the Honey had to go into work early and not tell me… Well there would be hell to pay.