Thursday, February 01, 2007

A funny liberal says good-bye

Molly Ivins passed away yesterday. She lost her fight against breast cancer (a diesese I am beginning to take very personally). She was one of the good ones. A funny liberal who made a point without seeming bitter.

From MSNBC: “The trouble with blaming powerless people is that although it’s not nearly as scary as blaming the powerful, it does miss the point,” she wrote in a 1997 column. “Poor people do not shut down factories ... Poor people didn’t decide to use ’contract employees’ because they cost less and don’t get any benefits."

From Salon: If Bush does make it to the White House, he and Laura should have Ken Starr over for dinner. If Starr hadn't so abused the power of his office, Congress might have reauthorized the independent-counsel statute, leaving the door open for a court-appointed prosecutor to investigate a president's son who flipped his oil companies faster than a Texas S&L can daisy-chain a Dallas condo; as a corporate board insider, unloaded his company stock shortly before its price plummeted; and walked away from the whole mess with more money than Bill Clinton ever dreamed of making on a little real estate deal now known as Whitewater.

Her picture may not be what you remember. Here she is as most would rememer her.

In her last few columns she railed against the war. Maybe that is her liberalism finally getting the best of her. Or maybe it was the cry of a woman with little time left fighting for the lives of people with their whole life ahead of them.

In any case, she will be missed.