Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Few of Trevor's Favorite Things

Sometimes my dog has a toy he loves. This was one. It was a a little orange / yellow thing that said "I Love You" when you threw it up in the air (or squeezed it). Two dollars from the bargain bin at Target Brooklyn.

He would get the toy from his box, play with it. Throw it around, bring it to you to throw it around. He has a lot of toys he does this with.

Then, one day he decides a toy is done. D-U-N. Done.

And he pulls it out and starts the grim task of ripping it apart one limb at a time. A toy's life span goes anywhere from 1 week to 10 months (the record held by a long purple "PetCo" wiener dog that bit the dust in January). And then he sets to tearing it up.

That is his other favorite thing.