Wednesday, July 04, 2007

And yet, you must comment...

It serves no purpose to get upset with the President for his commuting Scooter Libby's sentence. He has proved, beyond any doubt, that he does not believe in the values of our country.

Say what you will, justify however you want, but George Bush doesn't care about the rule of law. Let's go back and remind ourselves. His administration outed an undercover CIA agent. They did this because her husband told the truth about Iraq. Then they lied about it, under oath.

Now, the war in Iraq is in the toilet.
Now, one of our undercover agents (fighting terrorism) is no longer a CIA agent due to them.
Now, the administration says that the facts are all true, but they don't have to serve time.

This is spitting on the rule of the law. For every whining Congressman who growls about "Burning the Flag", this is so very much worse. This is just wrong. And the President doesn't give a shit what we think or what the rule of the law is or what his administration does.

He is not acting as if he is the President of the United States. He is acting as President of the Republican Party. The office deserves respect. The person in it deserves contempt.