Saturday, August 25, 2007

Par- TAY

So last night we had people from work (plus Randy and Paul) over for cocktails. It was a great time. It went a lot better than I thought it would. Most of Ed's work mates were very nice. And they got nicer the drunker I got!

It was a lot of fun and a few people from my work came too. Since I work at home, I don't interface with quite as many peeps as Eddie does. But the people from my work got on really pretty well with the people from Ed's work. If they worked for me (which they don't) I could give them all A's for "Plays well with others."

Trevor had his hairs cut and was the handsome dog, but he clearly got into something. At first I thought he was sick, but we only served veggies and ranch dip, so I then thought maybe the sour creme wasn't good for him.

But he is really under the weather, so I think maybe he is hung over. You know he loves to drink cocktails, and I think he might have gotten into people's leftover Cape Cods. He looks like Gavin looks the day after too many Cape Cods.