Thursday, March 20, 2008

Californians and Winter

Sure, most people move to Los Angeles and think they are tougher than Angelinos. We are weather wussies - and proud of it. What they don't know is that the body quickly acclimatizes to Los Angeles. Okay, you can make fun of how people in LA put on parkas at 50 degrees, but you forget you are now wearing a sweatshirt and long sleeves yourself at 50.

Then you get your first winter. And you struggle through. You promise yourself you won't complain. And then you break.

Presented for your investigation, Lynn - breaking...


I’ve been patient and understanding. But enough is enough. Following the blizzard that dumped a TON of snow we had a couple hours of nothing new. Then it started raining. BUCKETS!!!!! And now it’s snowing again. The ground is so saturated the road are flooding.

I’m going to go drink a margarita.


FYI - the picture of Lynn and I in the Frontier in Death Valley (below) was taken in the middle of "winter". Ed's birthday in January in 2006. The last winter we all spent in LA. Back when winter meant bundling up and shivering in the desert at 53 degrees and windy!