Friday, January 23, 2009

Oscar Nominations (or any excuse for Brad!)

Any excuse for a Brad picture.
This excuse being he was nominated for Best Actor and the Curious Case of Benjamin Button got 
13 nominations.  I would love to see it, and I probably will during a school day.  Eddie has not desire for a 3 hour movie, Brad or no Brad.
I also want to see The Reader, as I LOVE Kate Winslett.  
I fear that Slumdog Millionaire will have an expectations issue.  That is, it might be a good little movie, but expecting a Best Picture scope movie is not in the cards for it.
As for Frost / Nixon.  It was a great play and the same people are in the movie, I am sure it will be good.  And I am sure I will be disappointed.  Movies don't generally live up to the live experience for me.
Ed and I saw Milk and loved it.  It isn't a particularly "gay" movie, more a political movie about a gay guy.  Sean Penn was very good (and you who know, know I am not a giant Sean Penn fan).  For me it was so much "of-a-time" it was almost an out of body experience.  It takes place EXACTLY when I was in college.  It also discusses a proposition  in California that would have banned any gay person from teaching school.  Milk, the character and the movie, talked a lot about that fight.  And it talked a lot about the importance of being out.  And it was real and it was what made me live an open live.  Not a big I'M GAY LOOK AT ME type life, but a I'm gay, it's no big deal type life.
 One final note.  These awards FINALLY acknowledge one of the great musicians of all time.  Danny Elfman was nominated for best score for Milk.
I have LOVED LOVED LOVED Danny Elfman since he was the lead singer and composer for Oingo Boingo - a 1980s new wave band.
I saw them back before they hit it big (when they were still "The Mystic Knights of the Onigo Boingo").
Danny is a genius and has done the music for (deep breath):
First Batman Movie
Nightmare Before Christmas
Good Will Hunting
Mission Impossible
Donnie Darko
Spy Kids
Big Fish
The Simpsons Theme
Chicago (the music between the old songs)
Mars Attacks
Men in Black
Sleepy Hollow
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Desperate Housewives
Charlotte's Web
Meet the Robinsons
and many many more.
He was also Jack Skelator's singing voice in Nightmare Before Christmas and the singing voice of the Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
He is a genius of the type I dream I could one day be.
One last P.S. about Oingo Boingo.  For YEARS, even after the broke up, they played a Halloween night concert and the Universal Amphitheater for years.  They were kind of a Los Angeles institution, although you have heard of their songs (Dead Man's Party, Little Girls, Stay...)