Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Anyone Remember the "OFFENSIVE" MoveOn.Org Campaign

A few years ago there was quite the dust up that MoveOn.Org had a contest to come up with the best anti-Bush commercial, and one of the ENTRIES (not the winner, not even something had vetted) compared Bush to Hitler.
Oh the hue and cry that anyone would DARE compare Bush to the Nazi's. Even if it wasn't condoned by anyone. Even if MoveOn pulled it off the web site as soon as they learned. "Oh no," cried the Media Wing of the Republicans, "We would never compare a sitting President to the Nazi's! Where is your respect for the Office of the President? Have you no shame?"
Apparently the Nut Job Wing of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has no problem with a little Nazi smearing of their own.
Take a look at Glenn Beck's new book (he of the "Obama is racist against white people" fame.)