I tired to keep quiet about ole Crazy Pants Palin about this asinine "Death Board" CRAP.
I really did.
I thought, maybe she is just freaking stupid (which she is). Maybe she is just pandering to scary Republicans to frighten the pants off old people (which she is).
Someone, I thought, must be the Voice of Reason in the Republican Camp. To see that I thought it might be Newt I-Screwed-my-Wife's-Nurse-While-She-Was-Dying-In-The Hospital Gingrich tells you how far the Republican's have fallen in my mind.
But no. Newt, never the voice of sanity anyway, refused to rise to the bait. He said on "This Week with George StephoGreekName" the following:
“You're asking us to decide that the government is to be trusted…You are asking us to trust
turning power over to the government, when there are clearly people in American who believe in establishing euthanasia, including selective standards.”

More than once Stephanopolous reminded Gingrich such language wasn't in the bill; the controversial passage pays for voluntary counseling on living wills and end-of-life care. That's voluntary, as in voluntary, as in you decide whether you want it. Also your living will could say, keep me alive as long as possible, damn the cost. Oh, and did I mention it's voluntary?
The VOLUNTARY COUNSELING on living wills, by the by, is already in Medicare. It was passed by a bi-partisan vote years ago. And yet we don't see mass Euthanasia now. Will it be different when the government offers a health care plan? NO YOU DUMB SHITS. MEDICARE ALREADY IS A GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE PLAN!!!!!!!
Oh my. That was like a nice BM.