Not on purpose. This wasn't some luddite fantasy for the day. No, it was Verizon's fault.
And, I think, CSI Special Victim's Unit.
I blame CSI-SVU because there were filming in our building yesterday and the internet was out from when they started until they completed... Coincidence, I doubt it.
For Eddie, who has a Blackberry, no big deal. I, however, work remotely and cannot take my personal computer to work -so I was SOL - as it were.
Not really a problem though as my last day is August 31, and I have very little real work left to do.
And so, Eddie stayed home and we both had a big cleaning day. You know, change the sheets, dust, vacuum, clean the floors, scrub the bathroom. Things the maid would do, but I let her go. No no, let me re-phrase, things the maid SHOULD do, but didn't. Which, by the by, is why I let her go. Plus, my last day is August 31 and I can take 4 hours a week to do what she did and save myself $100 a week. Yes that is what they get here in New York for 4 hours and not really doing the work.

The two never meet by the way. The didn't meet in real life either, but this is Nora Ephron who wrote and directed it. A small dose of reality never held her back in the past - I don't know why it should this time! I mean does anyone really believe ANY of Sleepless in Seattle!!! No, but we all get teary anyway (back when Tom Hanks wasn't annoying and Meg Ryan still had human lips).
FYI - If you have never seen Sleepless in Seattle, go out and rent it right now. RIGHT NOW. I'll wait.
See, wasn't that amazing!
Anyway, back to Meryl Streep - who I hate to say it - I am beginning to be annoyed with again. Meryl was funny and fantastic as Julia Child. She carried the movie. (But now that everyone loves her again, she begins to work my nerves - fame is a fickle mistress Meryl!).
So we are back online. Ta da!