In Junior High (7th grade) my new school district introduced it, and when I changed schools in 8th grade I was there for the introduction of it to the Long Beach School system. Only when I attended High School and moved on to Algebra and Geometry did I finally leave all that crap behind.
.But now, I have found a use for it.

Let the set "S" represent the area of Mid-town New York.
Let the set "A" represent the area where the bums hang out (which will include the Port Authority, Bryant Park, etc.).
Let the set "B" represent the hang out of late night hipsters - Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea, TriBeCa.
In this case of the intersection of S/A/B would be noted as the shaded area (although they call it only the Intersection of A and B , limited by the Set S, but it is assumed to include S as well).
That intersection is where we live. And, after a Saturday night of bums, parting and no rain - also is the boundary of the stinkiest part of New York.
I walked the dog this morning and it smells like a urine soaked sewer out there!