Sure it helps to have a crazy Russian / Israeli, Doctor, Lawyer, Real Estate Salesman from Orange County as your spokesperson (like Orly Taitz here). But that isn't enough.
And wacky theories that can't be proved or disproved aren't enough either ... remember when Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster, or when George W. Bush flew off from the Alabama National Guard for 18 months to escape Vietnam - I didn't think so.
No, as they said in the musical Gypsy, you gotta have a gimmick! And Orly may not know shit about US Law (she thinks both parents have to be native born for the son to be native born), or know shit about Hawaiian Legal laws (the birth certificate that anyone in Hawaii is given, has been shown and proved) or know shit about Kenyan Law (the "real" birth certificate she showed from Kenya has the wrong name for the country) - but she sure knows branding.
That sounds realistic. Not like "flat-Earthers" or "Scientologists". It's all about the branding folks!!!