Yesterday I noted that adults have been screaming at each other, not talking, about Health Care Reform. Today I find a reasonable argument from, of all people, Camille Paglia.
Let me first say about Camille, she drives me bat-shit crazy. She has become a parody of herself in the same way that Rush Limbaugh has. She lets go with insane comments to provoke (like Rush), but hidden away sometimes are interesting points (again, like the blowhard).
In discussing the Health Care option, she blames Democrats for being overly optimistic about a government solution. I will quote because she says it better than I (and she should - she is in love with yacking...).
There was a glaring inability in most Democratic commentary to think ahead and forecast what would or could be the actual snarled consequences -- in terms of delays, denial of services, errors, miscommunications and gross invasions of privacy -- of a massive single-payer overhaul of the healthcare system in a nation as large and populous as ours. It was as if Democrats live in a utopian dream world, divorced from the daily demands and realities of organization and management.
I think her points here have validity. I don't know what the answer is - the present system is broke; payments for most of us are skyrocketing while trauma and emergency rooms close so as to not have to give care to non-payers. But I find her simple arguments against a single payer system pretty sound. Is there an alternative. The Republican alternative of the moment ("give the insurance companies a chance to fix themselves") is truly devoid of though. Giving the Insurance - Big Pharma- Medical machine a free pass and a "hope you do better" is like the keys to the Hummer to a hormonal 12 year old boy and "hoping he doesn't use them".
Anyway, I thought an alternative voice with a coherent argument might make me pause for a moment - and it did. It made me think and question. I hate that :-).