But what I love about New York are the truly amazing small shows. A small show at a reasonable price is worth so much to me. I grow anxious at long shows. And a small show needs two things:
1. Great Spaces. New York has a lot of nice spaces. I think LA actually probably has better spaces, but they have a lot of good ones here.
And 2. Great Curators. Here New York beats any other city I have ever been too. London's Tate and Tate Modern are great - but otherwise the city seems short on depth of talent. In new York - a tiny museum about the city (it shares an old mansion with the Puerto Rican History Museum) mounts a show like this and will get a flood of visitors. There are a ton of okay spaces in this city with 3 times as many amazing curators.
It is wonderful!
This fall (starting november 7th) the City Museum of New York is having a show about Eero Saarinen - a Finnish Designer and Architect. The photo above is from the original TWX terminal at JFK. It has been redone by JetBlue (Ed says it is great, I find out later this month).
But he also did furniture and object d'art. It will be cool.