You have to hand it to Maria Bartiromo - CNBC "News" anchor and frequent contributor to the the NBC Nightly News.
She may have been caught catching free flights on the Citibank jet and having an affair with a married man (he has been let go) but she came out of it fine.
And she has no problems walking into the Heath Care Debate, even when she knows jack shit about it.
Her questioning of a 45 year old representative about why he didn't use Medicare (sneering quote and all) "if it is so good" was tough and focused.
AND she didn't let the fact that a 45 year old is too young by 20 years to use Medicare phase her. In fact she laughed and made fun of him for it ("Yeah... right!"). No, facts are of no use to a woman who has progressed this far on looks, bluster and a nice rack.