It's football season, and I think it is time to go with the UCLA Quarterback (Kevin Craft) as Mascot of the Month.
I know what you are saying, "But Scott, isn't that bad luck?"
To which I say, "No.".
Lat year we started the season with our top 2 QBs both sitting on the sidelines (remember the picture at left).
At least this year Kevin hasn't broken anything yet (KNOCK WOOD)
Now, I know he isn't blond - which Rick Neuheisel should know is a pre-req for the job. Even Mark Harmon was blond back when he was our QB, and Troy Aikman has always been blond.
But you gotta give him a chance anyway.
And he is a reasonably cute UCLA QB (see I had to struggle and struggle to find a good shot of Sanchez, sure we aren't as good as SC, but we have been cuter since Matt Lienert graduated.).