Thursday, April 01, 2010

Westboro "Church" Assholes...

So, the Westboro Baptist Church has long been a bastion of mean spirited, evil buffoonery and a blight on the American tradition of free speech.
For years they have picked gay pride parades with their "God Hates Fags" and "AIDS is God's will for Homos".
But since the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, they have upped their quotion of evil to get more press. They have started picking soldier's funerals. Not particularly gay soldiers - ANY soldiers because America allows homosexuality.
As you can see from the signs to the left.
Well one soldier's father sued them. And he won. Then, on appeal, he lost. Westboro apparently has the right to be as evil as it wants during a funeral. It is going to the supreme court next.
But for some reason, late in the day, the court ordered the father to pay the court costs of the Westboro church! While still on appeal.
Anyway, there is a combination of people, including American Legion, Michelle Malkin and Gay Rights groups raising money for this father's fund. It is good that even when we disagree with each other, the left and right can still agree that assholes are assholes.
American Legion story here. It may not be the best but it is the most heartfelt.