There is something amazing about Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is a chamelon type of actor. In almost everything he is totally believable. . After 30 Rock, he stopped acting to go to school at Colombia. He is a nice boy from the Valley (Sherman Oaks) who now lives in the Lower East Side of New York. He loved Colombia and now makes only movies that challenge him. . The picture below is from Mysterious Skin - which I never saw because it deals with child abuse and I have a problem with that.
The picture below is from 500 Days of Summer. I am watching it right now (as I write this). Funny enough, this isn't what made me think of making him Mascot of the Month. .
. The picture below is from Brick. Brick is a total Film Noir picture set in High School. It was interesting and fun.
But the best... the BEST is the fact he loves UCLA. Want proof?