The incoming Chair of the House Energy and Commerce committee, John Shimkus, teaches us that Global Climate Change is not a problem.
Because God said so.
Specifically in Genesis 8, verses 21 and 22.
He quotes them below explaining that this is the word of God and he believes it. He goes on to quote Matthew about how the world ends. He believes that Global Climate Change - because it is the work of man - not God, cannot herald the end of the world.
Funny enough, in Oklahoma they based a law against basing laws on foreign traditions or texts - to stop Shira Law. In Oklahoma it would also stop the use of Biblical Scripture because it is foreign to the United States (and yes they are having problems now with the 10 Commandments).
Watch and Weep Children of the Potomac.
PS- Sorry for the curse words in the subtitles - but this is the last version that the Republicans haven't expunged off CSPAN.