Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I Find It Hard to Muster (pick one) Outrage / Enthusiasm

I find it hard to muster (pick one) Outrage and / or Enthusiasm after these elections. If Obama's Election and the Democratic run of the table taught me anything, it is that the government doesn't really work for people.
On the other hand ,the Government does a bang up job for companies - but I digress. I suppose if I flooded the system with money, it would work for me too.
A good friend sent me to a web site that talked up the present administration and Democratic Congress. I knew it was trouble when they call "Promise Kept" because President Obama "issued an edict to close Guantanamo Bay." I hate to disagree, but the promise was NOT to issue an edict. It was to close Guantanamo. There is no plan, no date and no agreement. And it isn't closed.
The only Promise Kept in my mind is a promise to lie to promote your agenda.
The Promsie Kept agreements on Torture and Transparency were even more duplicitous.
I don't find the new Republicans any better. In fact, I find them worse, but not worse enough to freak out about. They promise to be just as effective as they were last time they ran the place. which means a whole lot of nothing.
Apparently American's don't want full access to Health Care. Which shouldn't surprise people;
Those that have marriage rights, don't want gays to have marriage rights.
Many of those in Congress that have a job, don't want the unemployed to get insurance.
Those that have ruined the climate, don't want anyone else to control it.
Those people with full access to alcohol, dont' want others to have access to marijuana.