Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I Tried to Tell You After The Maine Vote: People Hate The Faggots

I tried to tell people, but they just don't listen. So, in Iowa Supreme Court justices are appointed, and then later voted to reconfirmation. Now a few years ago, Iowa Supreme Court had to rule on Same Sex Marriage. In reading the law, they voted 7 - 0 that, under current Iowa law, Same Sex Marriages had to be performed.
How much do people hate fags? So much that for the first time in Iowa history a Supreme Court Justice was turned out of office for ruling on the law.
Not just 1, but all 3 that were up for election. The "Fags are going to destroy Marriage" forces spent over a million dollars, raised from all over the country. The judges, as per tradition, neither spent any money nor campaigned - expecting that following the law is what they are required to do and they would not be punished for it.
That whole, "It gets better" campaign seems kind of pathetic and hollow now, doesn't it. Because if you really want to know what kids struggling with their feelings are being told day in and day out, you couldn't do better than to read the hometown paper.
"I am ashamed that the Supreme Court tried to push their immorality off on the people of Iowa."-Democrat111
"Judges that overstep their bounds and legislate from the bench deserve nothing less than firing. Would you like your local sheriff deputies to start acting as judge, jury and executioner? After all, we have judges overriding and acting like the House, Senate and Governor. Read their decision and then tell me why they also don't outlaw Iowa's different tax brackets or treating children differently than adults. The very same 'principle' should be applied EQUALLY to ALL under the Law just as they extend it to (same-sex marriage)."-Darkmoon99
"The sooner the legislature moves to put the vote of whether or not to allow same sex marriage in Iowa the sooner judges won't have to worry about being oustered. This needs to be voted on by the people. Obviously, as you can see by the vote last night the majority of people were not happy with allowing gay marriage in Iowa. I voted NO last night for all three because I think the people should decide whether gay marriage should be allowed, NOT the courts. Yes, they were just doing their job, just because your doing your job doesn't mean your doing what's right."-metrofuell
"Using a clause in our constitution that does not exist, the equal protection clause, and making law not interpreting, so based on the points up the wrongly ruled DOMA illegal in the Polk County case. They then said gay marriage is OK in Iowa. First the could only rule on the two parties in the Polk County case, and second only the legislature can enact a law providing for gay marriage."-aglaw"Best of all, Branstad will get to make the new nominations."-navigator1
"Congratulations to Bob Vander Plaats for doing what should have been done a long time ago! Bob, the true conservative, stood up for what was right and with the help of the voters has dismantled a progressive, legislate from the bench court. Marsha and the others thought they were untouchable, but Vander Plaats put the word touchable back where it belongs, in the vocabulary of the states highest court."-spreadobamasMN"Its a great day to be an Iowan! Those who hate traditional values were sent a loud message last night." -CFP01
And, of course, the judges were appointed by both Democratic and Republican Governors over time.