Salon articulates my thoughts exactly...
It's kabuki theater ad absurdum -- and it explains a lot.
For instance, with Democrats embodying the Hostile Takeover right now, the binary dynamic accounts for the recent resurrection of the old conservative populism first pioneered during the 1980s (this, by the way, is the subject of my spring 2011 book, "Back to Our Future").
The Uprising-versus-Hostile Takeover cycle also explains not the end of any particular era -- but the end of political eras as a whole. Whereas clear differences between the parties once created epochal congressional majorities and intractably red and blue states, we now rapidly vacillate between two similarly money-dominated parties in a spastic search for an insurrection that will bring something different.
That, of course, gives us a unified theory of the last three elections. In an America straitjacketed by a two-party system, these contests have been all about voters trying to support any available uprising, irrespective of party labels or even ideology.
Ending this tail-chasing exercise and constructing a truly transformational and results-oriented politics is essential -- but won't be easy because powerful forces are invested in the charade.
Partisan media outlets generate ratings by pretending their respective party's uprising won't be tomorrow's hostile takeover. The political consulting class makes big money from commercials that do the same thing. And a hyper-partisan population divorced from genuine social movements is addicted to believing that if only we wait for the next election, one of the parties -- however corrupt or compromised -- will supposedly bring about "real change."
In that sense, biennial election hype is the opiate of the masses -- an opiate made particularly potent because it preys on the psychology of hope. We desperately want to believe that we can mount a successful uprising. And it's true, we can. But not until we realize that both parties are now part of the hostile takeover we seek to confront.