There is a lot of crap floating around about torture helping to find Bin Laden. And it is crap. Here is the poop-ski.
1. They DID torture the guys who gave up data on Bin Laden. IN 2003 they tortured them over and over and over. During this torture, they gave up NOTHING. Again, NO FUCKING THING!
2. AFTER that torture, they began regular interagation with good investigators. Let's call that "legal interrogation". During this legal interrogation - without torture - they gave the information that lead towards Osama.
3. With this information we put more operators in the field. Where had they gone before, you ask? Why Iraq of course, whee they tried to kill George Bush's Papee.
4. Who cooberates these liberal lies? Donald Rumsfeld.
Don't believe me. Read it in: NY Times or here or here or here
One final thing, what if torture did help us find him? It DIDN'T, but what if it did?
A) It doesn't prove that torture is the only or best way to find information. Just becasue B happens after A, that dones't mean A caused B (otherwise Bubble gum chewing would lead to Heroin - over 99% of Herion users have tried Bubblegum in the United States).
B) Would the fact we found an Iconic figure, granted impotent and hiding in plain sight, but still a killer and mastermind - would that justify torture?
How about a serial killer? If we could torture a lawyer who knew where a serial killer was, would that be acceptable?
What about getting to the bottom of the banking scandal? Arguable it caused more deaths than a serial killers (lost jobs, suicides, lives ruined, children thrown out of homes, families ripped apart) and more mayhem that 9/11. And while I personally feel it is perfectly fine to water-board the Board of Directors of Citi, AIG and Chase; is that okay with you? (I feel capital punishment for these people is okay too, even though we just agreed to give them massive bonuses instead. 25% of America households underwater, 40 million underemployed due to them and they get a bonus - capitalism uber alles.
Torture demeans us as humans. It produces lies, enemies and a moral rot of the soul and pyschee.