Well Citi didn't like their shares in the single digit range (plus they hovered on being taken out of indexes) so they did a 10 for 1 reverse split. Because I have a lot of semi-worthless Citi shares, I was cashed out for some of my "rounded" shares.
A few weeks- ago, I got a few hundred out of the whole shin-ding. Returning from vacation, I found 2 more checks from Citibank with regards to this. Horray - free money. 1 for $0.16 and 1 for $0.31. Yes 2 checks for a total of 47 cents. I am sure it cost more to cut the checks than 47 cents. And, since I bank at Citi, they have to process it. And, for some odd reason Citibank puts a hold on all Citibank checks.
Silly Citi.