Hell Dick Cheney said "deficits don't matter" - not a fucking word from the Republicans. NOT A WORD.
But now... Now it's Obama's fault.
(Why not under Clinton? - because Clinton had a surplus, bitches!)
But Barak wanted to compromise... To appear the adult.. Instead he is going to boxed into approving something he said he wouldn't (short term deal -or approval for the faith and credit of the Untied States based only on our ability to deny benefits to those most needing them during a recession).
I blame the President for playing with the the assholes in Congress that won't even vote to close loopholes on Private Jets and taxes exceptions for Oil Companies when they make record profits. You can't expect them to be adults, and I can't expect the President to have a backbone.
It's disgusting all the way around.
If there was an adult anywhere, I would get behind them, but Reagan is dead and Clinton can't run again.