This is a lie.
The President doesn't allocate funds. As Bohner's pals in the Tea Party FORCED everyone to read the Constitution at the opening of the session, perhaps they should remember that ONLY the House of Representatives can begin the authorization of funds (Section 7 "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives;").
So the President just wants the United States Treasurer to pay the bills Congress racked up. And, I hardly need add, the Republicans were in charge of the House of Representatives from 1994 - 2006 and from 2010 on. They authorized willy-fucking-nilly and to claim that "Obama wants a blank check" is absurd and stupid. But, since John Bonher spoke about it with Rush Limbaugh before his own caucus, he knows it is a good sound bite.
They could pass the debt ceiling, get out of this problem and never authorize 1 more thing. that is, of course, if they were interested in fixing things not pinning blame - which leads us to....

First - his 2 step plan isn't about solving anything. Look at the fucking title "To Hold President Obama Accountable". Not solving crap. Not helping anyone but Republicans get elected.
Second. His 2 Step plan has 5 steps. They can't even control talking points from double digit inflation - how can they control the debt.